New Seedling Chapter Aims High

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Wild Ones Northern Rockies is the first chapter in Idaho and one of the first in the Inland Northwest. We are a seedling chapter that encompasses the Northern Rockies ecosystem, which includes three northeastern Washington counties, the Idaho panhandle, and eight northwestern Montana counties. Headquartered in Sandpoint, ID, we present speakers at monthly meetings, sponsor field trips, and promote native species landscaping.

Currently, we are assisting with the development of a “pollinator perimeter” in the East Bonner County Library garden. We created a landscape plan with a suggested plant list and provided the labor for installation and maintenance. We hope to work with other libraries in a similar fashion to develop native plant pollinator-friendly gardens.

We collaborate with others to preserve native plants and increase biodiversity in residential, commercial, and public land environments. We also seek to influence local agencies to adopt native plantings and limit pesticide use.
